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Time to select your kit, load up and head out in this intense, cooperative SWAT oriented modification for Insurgency.

The Armory: SWAT is the newest theater and creation from the developer of all other The Armory modifications for Insurgency: 2014. Taking what I have learned over the years from developing theaters and with the unrivaled community support, this newest modification incorporates all of it into one package.

Focused on teamwork and the cooperative gameplay aspect, it brings a full unlocked armory of new weapons, upgrades, perks and squad roles into the game to pick from – Pre-planning your load out will be dependent upon each map chosen and will be crucial to the mission outcome.

How to Play

1 | Subscribe to the Steam Workshop modification

If you have not already, go ahead and subscribe to the The Armory: SWAT modification on Steam Workshop.

2 | Select Either to Play Locally or on a Server

Pick a Play Option:

3 | Server (Multi-Player)

To play this modification on a server with other people or your buddies, feel free to join our server by clicking the banner below. We currently host a 8 player cooperative server located in New York.

Host a server for The Armory: SWAT modification? Contact DeltaMike to have it listed here!

3 | Local (Single-Player)

If you want to check out the modification and see what has been added or just want to kill some bots by yourself, load up this modification locally with the directions below.

Load a Theater

Launch Insurgency and when in the main menu, open the games command console. To do this, push the tilde (~) key, to the left of the 1 key.

Note: You may have to turn on the ability to open console, to do this go to Settings > Game, then the top option "Console", enable it.

When the game console is open, enter one of the following commands by either typing or pasting it into console, and then click enter.

The Armory: SWAT (with custom optics)
The Armory: SWAT (with stock optics)

Load a Map (Only Supports Checkpoint Gamemode)

Open Console once again, if it is not already, and enter one of the map commands below to start playing against bots locally. You can also load up other custom maps found on Steam Workshop by subscribing to those and entering their respective name into the command.

Dry Canal

Optional Commands (Not Required)

Enter any of these commands (~) to alter settings you desire, this may require you to enter retry in console to initialize changes.

Supply Points

Upcoming Updates

Detailed Log of Upcoming Changes

Updates are attempted to be pushed on a bi-weekly basis • Depending on volume of bug fixes and new content availability

Add - The next update will be focused on adding more pistols of all sorts, with more upgrades for them and preexisting ones.

Update Log

"SWAT 4 Sounds Update" - November 3rd, 2024

Added - Added SWAT 4 audio files for the radial menu commands where I could find appropriate files that matched there use.
Added - Added SWAT 4 audio files for the bots (suspects).
Added - Added SWAT 4 audio files for coop game mode start introduction audio and several variations for the round start audio.

Updated - Updated the bipod for the SR-25 ECC, it was previously not deploying correctly.

"Quality of Life Update" - August 29th, 2024

Added - Added the ability to equip the Insurgent (suspect) recoil foregrip model on the following weapons: ARX160, AUG A3, BR-10, DD M4A1 BLOCK II, FAMAS, G36K, HK416D, HoneyBadger, L85A2, M4A1, M16A4, MCX, and the MPX.
Added - Added the ability to equip the Insurgent (suspect) suppressor model on the following weapons: AR-15 Carbine, ARX160, C8CQB, DD M4A1 BLOCK II, DD Mk18, FAMAS, G36K, GALIL SAR, HK416D, L85A2, M4A1, M16A4, MCX,Mk14, Mk17, Mk18 MOD 0, Mk18 MOD 1, MP5K, MP7, MPX, P90, and the Vector.
Added - Added new suppressor weapon upgrade for pistols where applicable. Has same functionality as other suppressor, just aesthetically different.
Added - Added the ability to upgrade the following weapons from their default color scheme to a black finish: Glock 31, M110, Mk18 MOD 1, and the SIG Sauer P320.
Added - Added the ability to upgrade M110 from it's default color scheme to an olive drab finish.
Added - Added the ability to upgrade Glock 31 from it's default color scheme to a tan finish.
Added - Added the ability to use most of the weapons and upgrades within the SWAT modification in the solo (singleplayer) warehouse training mission.
Added - Added two new theater override commands for suicide bombers, one for the stock optics variation, the other for the theater utilizing custom optics. The commands are either swat_stockoptics_bomber or swat_bomber respectively, the suicide bomber functionality requires SourceMod and the appropriate plugin to be installed.

Updated - New firing sounds for the Colt 9mm, for both the unsuppressed and suppressed variantions.
Updated - New interface icons for the five different levels/variations of carrying vests available.
Updated - Removed the Knife Suspect (bot) from all theaters that utilized it.

"SIG SAUER P320 Update" - March 7th, 2024

Added - Added a 9mm SIG SAUER P320 pistol featuring a red dot sight.
Added - Added a black finish upgrade for the Mk14 MOD 1 EBR, with both either featuring the Speed Reload or Operator Training attributes.
Added - Added the ablilty to equip 30 round extended magazines onto the Mk14 MOD 1 EBR.
Added - Added the ablilty to equip 35 round extended magazines onto the Honey Badger.
Added - Added the ability to equip another variant of suppressor onto the AUG A3, BR-10, and G3A3.

Updated - Updated HK417 D to a newer generation HK417, the HK417 A2. This updated weapon features new models and textures.
Updated - Updated Colt Python textures/shaders to have less of a glossy appearance.
Updated - Updated spelling of name for previously 'H&K USP Tactical' to 'HK USP Tactical.' This was done to match the the naming scheme of all other HK weapons.